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Pregnancy Essential Support – 60 Capsules

R150.00 R70.00

If your Pregnancy is 3 months and more this is for you.

You will have a smooth Pregnancy and Labour

✅Packed with Antioxidants
antioxidants that help protect you and your developing baby.

✅Best Herb for Easy Labour

Waiting until the 2nd trimester to begin drinking Our Pregnancy Essential Support. This is because RRL is a uterine tonic and stimulates the pelvic floor muscles.

✅Relieves Nausea and Vomiting in Pregnancy

Help with nausea, morning sickness, digestion, boost your immune system.

✅Contains Folate / Folic Acid

One Capsule has 15% of the daily value of folate, a helpful nutrient for pregnant women. Folate helps reduce the risk of neural tube defects, which can affect the brain and spine of developing fetuses.

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